Wednesday, November 20, 2013

imagery quickwrite

Concept Art Writing Prompt: A submarine decays in the middle of the desert

As I was walking to a new town I saw a submarine even though I knew that they only work in water. As I walked up I felt how warm the metal was. I noticed the extremely sharp jagged points near the front of the ship. When I walked to the other side I only then saw the small town that made this ship their home. Inside the ship as a mart. I only then noticed the horrible smell, I asked a child "what is that smell?'' he then turned and said "It's the metal rusting away and soon they would move to a new town." I couldn't believe how dangerous it was to live in a rusting warship. When I continued my journey I was angry because I had dust in my mouth. It was much better than the taste of rust though. I also couldn't think about how the child would do if he could deal with the no smell of the desert.

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